Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Yes ....... I am still alive !

It has been a long time since I wrote my blog, not that I had nothing to write but ......... I was sooooo busy doing things that I just forgot to keep this blog up-to-date....

I am sorry when you visit time after time and there was nothing new here, but now I am going to fill you in about ALL the important things that happened in the last 6 weeks......

First of al: my hands are doing much better; no need to wear my braces continuously only when I am sleeping ( although that is a big period of the 24 hrs a day lasts, hihi).

Second: I went to Nova Scotia -canada- to see my DH playing the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo in Halifax.

Canada happens to be the country where my sister and BIL with their family live. When I was making arrangements to go there (back in october 2006) I thought it would be nice to meet my family there, so I asked them to come too. Not that I thought of the 2500 (!!) kms they have to drive (fly) to get there ...........

My niece, nephew, their 2 boys and my sister liked the idea so much that they made planes to come. Sister Coreen (who is the 2 boys Oma) took her 2 grandsons by plane to Halifax and dear Leanne and Steve DROVE the hole d... 2500 kms with their camper.

I arrived on saturday June 30 at 10pm with my rental car (a beauty with 44 kms on the meter) at the campground in Hubbards where Leanne and Steve just arrived 15 min earlier. Can you imagine to fly 6000 kms west, the other party drives 2500 kms east and you arrive almost at the same time? WE DID IT !

The next day (sunday) Oma arrived with Carter and Spencer, by plane in Halifax. Everybody was happy to meet again.

We spend a great week together in a cottage in Hubbards Beach, got a few days of rain but planed the in- and outside activities around the wheatherforcast and here again we did a great job :-)

The greatest of all was that we (all 6 of us) saw Oom Henk playing the Tattoo. We were the only family of the dutch band in the audience. We wore neon-light-necklaces so the players could see us in the dark (which they did....)

I had a great time with my family and DH had a good time although he had to work every morning and night.......

I will upload some cool pics later this week..... I got this awsome (300 mm with image stabilizer)lens for my camera (already for my birthday which is in 2 weeks) so be prepared........ haha.

These are the major things I wanted to join with you for now (still taking care of my wrists).....

Till soon... take care!!


Unknown said...

Ha meid weer heelhuids Terug, nog bedankt voor je mooie kaart

Brigitta said...

wow Bonette, it must have been great to meet up with your family!!! glad your hands are getting better!!

D@nielle said...

sounds like a wonderful time Bonette, so glad your hands are healing well !